Coming Storm (Friday Fiction Story)

I haven’t done Rochelle’s Friday Fiction in a while…  Been involved in other things and the times I do get to blogging have been taken up with other blogging endeavors, but this one just spoke to me begging me to give it a go so here’s my story (I’m hoping my word count is okay.  It said 109, but it was still saying that after making changes so I don’t know – I know it’s higher with this lead in:

photo used with implied permission for sole purpose of this prompt only (source credit goes to Kelly sands)

Katie looked up at the storm clouds gathering over head.  Looked like another late afternoon thunderstorm was on it’s way.   She worked quickly to gather up the laundry she had put earlier to dry, knowing that the rains could come at any moment.  Already the winds were picking up making the branches of the trees sway.  Such was life during Monsoon Season.  You just never knew when the proverbial bucket was going to be overturned…  Never knew when a flash flood was around the corner.  Just in time, Katie got the last of the laundry inside just as the downpour started and the thunder and lightening began in earnest.

Friday Fiction: Not Ready

The photo for this week comes from (and copy-writed) by Jennifer Pendergast


The host is the lovely Rochelle

My story follows:
100 steps, that was it, just a hundred steps stood between Jodi and the rest of the world. She hesitated at the top, unable to take that first step. Her counselor had assured her she was ready. Even the psychiatrist she met with daily agreed she was ready. The only thing left, they had said, was for her to believe in herself.

Jodi took a deep breath symbolically closed her eyes and took that first step of faith, then the next and the next until she had reached the bottom. Each step getting easier and easier… Maybe she could do this. Maybe she was ready

#FridayFiction: “How Could You?”

A quick correction: When I wrote this it was just before heading to bed. I inadvertently messed up on Rachel’s name, it’s Wisoff-Fields, not Weiss.

I haven’t done one if Rachel Weiss “Friday Fiction” challenges in a whole, but couldn’t pass this one up.

The picture below is burrowed (with assumed permission) from the above post by Rachel Weiss-Field… Credit goes to the Dawn M. Miller

“Oh Roger. How could you” Ginny thought sadly as she pulled up in front of the run down old “shanty style” house. A large variety of lamps of different styles and sizes adorned the front porch. Ginny could only hope that the one she was looking for was there. The one that had been in the family for generations.

Times had been tough for Ginny and her son. Often times they barely managed to squeak by. She could understand his reason for selling the ugly old lamp “to get a few dollars”, but he had no idea of its true value.

Up a Tree (A Friday Fiction short story)

Figured I’d take a stab at this week’s Friday Fiction put out by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields (I always have to double check to make sure I’m getting the name right).

burrowing picture from Rochelle’s blog

Andrea came running outside at the sound of her daughter’s high pitched screams. The first thought that came to her mind was that she was hurt, injured somehow. With her curious & fearless daughter anything was possible and she mentally prepared herself for just that – anything.

Her breath rushed back in to her body as she caught site of her daughter, safe & sound, on the ground looking up at the large oak tree in their back yard.

“Mommy, Puppy” her daughter cried pointing up at the floppy eared mutt they had just adopted from the ASPCA .

“it’s ok Lindsey, I’ll get him down” Andrea assured her daughter as she went to retrieve the ladder from the shed. It wasn’t the first time, since they brought the crazy mutt home, that she’d had to “rescue” him from the tree.

Friday Fiction – September 20, 2013

Photo copied from Rochelle Wisoff-Field’s Friday Fiction – September 20
Photo Credit: John Nixon

“Come on Mandy. You know how worried Grandma gets when we don’t return from our walks on time.”

“Yeah, Grandpa, I know” Mandy replied, “She worries a lot, she practically had a heart attack when I climbed up on a chair to reach something earlier.”

“You best hurry it up then”

“I will. I just want to get a look at this dress. Don’t you think It would be great for prom….”

“You’d look very nice…..”

” Bet I make Tommy’s eyes pop in this.”

“Tommy??….. Wasn’t it Billy?? Oy, how did a body keep up?