Hiatus and Return

So as you may be aware, I’ve been on a bit of a Hiatus for the past month. The main reason for this was a because of April’s blogging A-Z Blogging Challenge. I have participated in the past but decided not to this year..actually I haven’t in a couple years but I wasn’t blogging at all the other years. The other thing is that I’ve been concentrating on my You-Tube Channel – Go ahead laugh, at 50+ I have a You Tube channel playing The Sims 4 😂. Hey, I enjoy it so 😝. The other thing is that blogging has become difficult for me. Not technically difficult, just difficult in the fact that I don’t really know what to blog about other than responding to various blogging challenges (which I will still continue to do from time to time, as appropriate ones cross my path and time allows).

I have tried writing and writing challenges in the past but I’m not all that creative in that department and it was rare that a challenge came up that I was able to come up with an appropriate story to go along with it. I also tried photo challenges but I don’t get out and about much (unless I’m shopping, running errands,or going to an appointment) so don’t really have a repertoire of photos at my disposal to chose from – not to mention I don’t tend to store photos as they take up too much room. I also don’t really have anything going on in my life that is worth blogging about. For the most part my life is pretty boring (for the most part a good thing), though there are the occasional (now) tifs between me and the hubby but how many times can I write about that since it’s pretty much the same basic situation each time. So, yeah, that pretty much leaves blogging challenge and even that sometimes is difficult for me to respond to as I will literally have no idea what to say or how to respond to some questions/topics/etc.

Weekend Coffee Share and More: 03-06-2022

Sorry guys…. Late to the party once again. Having one of those days where I’ve played around with some stuff but don’t feel like it’s been all that productive of a day, TBH. I had my actual coffee earlier this morning and did my usual morning CoffeeTime ShoutOuts on Twitter, plus checked Facebook and all that (well really only Facebook). I played around with Sims for a bit mostly trying to figure out how to do a decent “walk-through” on a house I built. Giving up on that I ended up doing screen shots and taking those into iMovie and making up something that way. Not too long ago, I finished making up (and eating) dinner – diced up potato & onion cooked in frying pan (iron skillet); added in some pre-cooked chicken, and lastly some cheddar cheese (just till barely melted). I also have a salad in the kitchen ready to be eat.

In the interest of time, etc I ‘m going to include some other blog challenges:

E.M.’s Sunday Ramble topic this week is: How Are You

How is the weather where you are today?

I haven’t actually gone outside today, nor have I looked at any of the weather apps to see what the forecast was supposed to be. ***Takes a second to look at current temperature*** – 56 degrees currently🥶. Doesn’t look like it got all that warm here today and hubby was complaining about being cold earlier… But then he’s always running cold while I’m always running hot 🤷🏻‍♀️.

What is the perfect weekend vibe for you and yours?

I think we both prefer pretty laid back and relaxed. Neither of us are much into entertaining and all that. He’s probably a bit more into entertaining than I am, truth be told. I think he’d love to have a bunch of guys over and talk train and all that (assuming his body was up to it). Me, I could care less – not that I would be against folks coming over and all, just not as much into it. I much prefer to just take it easy and relax on the weekend.

What song is the theme song of your world today?

You want me to come up with a song to describe today… Uhhhh 🤔. yeah I got nothing…. Sorry🤷🏻‍♀️. I will say that I’ve had varying songs from the old musical Oklahoma stuck in my head ever since I watched it on You-Tube (free movies). The problem is I don’t have the words memorized correctly so it’s a hodge-pudge of poorly remembered songs 😂.

What color encompasses how you feel today?

Probably varying shades of blue and maybe Gray. It’s been one of those “it just is” sort of days. Nothing good, nothing bad, just is. Pretty much the same as any other day to be honest🤷🏻‍♀️😂. I know it sounds terrible to say that I don’t get excited about all that much but I just don’t.

What is something that makes you feel good today?

Nothing is really coming to mind – certainly nothing spectacular. I did put up a short you-tube video that I started working on the other day. Haven’t played around with You-Tube in literally ages, at least not in terms of putting up any videos…watching videos is a whole other story (I may or may not be slightly addicted to watching you-tube videos 😆 🤣). Anyway I’ve been playing around with putting up some short little Sims4 related videos. So far I only have 2 up. One was screen shots of a Van_Life inspired build, the other was where I put my sim on auto and let her play for a few minutes. I have another that I just put together that is a walk through for a house I built for the 100 Baby Challenge (it’s a Sims thing). Not exactly what you’d call a productive kind of day but parts were sort of fun. I don’t know, I guess the best part of it was just playing around and not worrying about the whole adulting thing…. Outside of making dinner and helping hubby out a couple times.

Sadje’s Sunday Poser asks us to write about What Makes You Feel Strong

To be honest this is a bit tricky. So often I don’t feel very strong at all, and I’m not just talking about the physical sense either. So often (as I’ve mentioned on many occasions, I’m sure, I’m filled with self-doubt. I’m always worried that I’m doing something wrong or doing things the wrong way. Worry that I’m going to do something to upset others (mostly the people in my life). There isn’t much that I can point to that I can say makes me feel strong. There is somewhat of a sense of pride when I can figure out how to do something on my own without having someone else (certain family members specifically) telling me exactly what to do/how to do (and all but telling me how exactly to hold the tool when I can figure that out on my own if given half a chance. The problem is I rarely get the opportunity since others in my life seem to like to take control and be in charge of darn near every and any situation that comes up (least that’s how it seems).

Well anyway, hope y’all have had a great weekend. Like I said, I know I’m late but hopefully you can still check out some more Weekend Coffee Shares (hosted by Natalie) Wising y’all a Wonderful Week ahead.

Daily Thoughts and Weekend Coffee Share 11-26-2021

Hi everyone, Welcome. Done with coffee myself, but I can always brew a quick cup…. Or I can put on some hot water for tea, or grab a soda or water if you wish.

One thing is becoming pretty clear…. I suck at “Daily Thoughts”. Can’t even use the excuse, yesterday, on it being Thanksgiving and all since we didn’t do anything. Wednesday we went out to dinner with extended family (my family, my step-mom (son’s gam), her mom and her mom’s boyfriend). Today hubby, son, and myself are having a relatively simple faire. Got a few turkey tenderloins in the slow cooker; Dressing (in a bag) has been made and just requires cooking later this afternoon; Going to be making homemade mashed potatoes (using an instacooker/instapot type thing to cook the potatoes); Biscuits are store bought and just need to be cooked; and Green beans just need to be put in a container and heated up at the last minute (or so). We also cheated and grabbed 3 different “single serve” pies and some ice cream for dessert. We decided to skip doing any green bean casserole type dish or making the stuffing from scratch, as well as dealing with a whole turkey or even a turkey breast.

We have done a lot of that in the past and not only does it take a lot of effort but then we have the leftovers sitting around in the fridge that no one wants to eat because A) they don’t really care for it or B) they get tired of it.

What little leftovers we have we’ll probably make a Thanksgiving Pie (along the same vein as a Shepherd’s/Farmer’s/Rancher’s pie).

Not much else going on. Should probably go do dishes and fold laundry, things like that.…. Maybe do something about lunch, possibly though none of us are all that hungry.

Hope y’all had a great Thanksgiving (those who celebrated)…and that you have a Wonderful Weekend

Join our host Natalie and the rest of the gang for more Weekend Coffee Share.

Share Your World 11-15-2021

QUESTIONS This week is a philosophical (chewy) question week.

First lets start with the fact that considering the first post that I saw from Sparks “Ohh Heck”, I almost thought there wasn’t going to be a Share Your World this week – Was definitely relieved to see that it was there just a little lower down…. Now for the bad part, the fact that it is “philosophical question” week. Ughhh I suck at philosophical questions 😩😂, but I’ll do my best and see what I an do.

So here’s the questions that Sparks has for us this week

In your opinion, what should be humanity’s goal?

This is a tricky one. I can’t really think of what humanity’s goal should be and not really good and coming up with answers to stuff like this. I think a common one might be something along the lines of “Can’t We all Just Get Along”. I think a better one would be to be able to respect one another differences and all. We don’t all have to get long and all be friends and everything but we can respect each other’s lifestyles, choices, etc… and each other’s opinions, etc – including political religious. It doesn’t mean we all got to be all buddy buddy friend friend spending all this time together if we don’t want to it just means we respect each other and agree to disagree without it being a huge ordeal or thought of as one person hating the other or being against that person (or their group) just because they don’t see eye to eye…. But I digress, on to the next question

Are you hesitant to speak your opinions?

Both Yes, and No. In many ways, the older I get the more opinionated I’ve become and to the less I’ve come to give a shit what others think. But then I’ve spent so much of my life (including now) feeling like my opinions don’t mean shit and that I should just shut up and quit going on and on or talking so much, that I often find myself not expressing my opinions because in the end no one really gives a shit about what I think even when they ask (or pretend to ask).

In what ways has society changed during your lifetime? What do you think caused these changes?

Probably the most noticeable thing is that people just don’t have time for others anymore. Anymore (even well before Covid), even on evenings and weekdays you can go outside for a walk or whatever and not hardly see a single soul (even when the weather is nice). When I was growing up we had kids playing outside, even in the streets (and before you start gasping and all, the streets in question were residential neighborhood streets w/ hardly any traffic and everyone was watching out for cars, plus the older kids looking out over the younger ones, etc and so forth). Even the adults were outside, sitting in chairs or on porch steps, or doing yard work…. You just don’t see that kinda stuff anymore not like you use to

Also, no one seems to give a shit about the other guy. Customer Service has definitely taken a nosedive. Now when I go to the store I feel like I’m the inconvenience for daring to need assistance with something. Just trying to get help is a major chore in itself. Even if you happen to see a store worker in the area there usually moving so fast that you can’t catch up to get their attention, and if you yell out to them they look at you like “what’s your problem”…and that’s if there’s anyone around and you don’t have to walk halfway, or more, across the store to find someone or stand in line just to ask for help to reach something.

If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow this person to be your friend?

It depends on the day and my mood. There are times that I’m pretty sure even I would’t want to be friends with me…. Those are the days that I would just as soon be left alone and not do anything or talk to anyone. For the most part I like to think I’m a good person… but then (looks up to remind self) this question is asking based on how I speak to myself…. Given that, probably not very long. I tend to be very hard on myself and am constantly doubting myself and my abilities. Growing up, I never really felt like I measured up….never got the feeling that anyone was ever proud of anything I did, it was always a ‘that’s nice try to do better’ type of thing. Even now it’s as if the thing I do are just expected and no one thinks to say thanks or show any type of appreciation. No one in my life seems to care about how I feel or what I’ve got going on…just so long as I take care of the things they need/want done.

GRATITUDE SECTION (as always, optional)

Not really feeling very “gratitude-y” this week… or at least not the past few days…well outside of the stuff that I think I mentioned last week – which was my new volunteer position (fingers crossed it continues) and perhaps finally getting through my AAS degree (at least I think mentioned that one as well). I, of course, always have a feeling of gratitude & appreciation towards First Responders (police, fire, EMS), Emergency Dispatch Operators (technically that might be under First Responders), and Military Personnel/Veterans. That never changes – I just can’t think of anything special for this week.