#DailyPrompt (Oct 11, 2013): Mid-Season

Today’s Daily Prompt is: Mid-Season Replacement

I have to be honest, the post that comes to mind doesn’t really relate directly to the prompt -but, perhaps, indirectly.

The changing seasons (weather-wise) bring about mixed feelings. On the one hand, I love the middle of the road temperature – Not too hot, not too cold (though it really depends on where you live)…. On the other hand, it can be difficult to prepare clothes-wise. Depending on time of year and the time of day I’m out and about, I might find myself starting out needing a jacket only to have to figure out what to do with it part way through the day OR I’ll head dressed for warmer temps only to realized forgot to bring something for when temps drop.

7 thoughts on “#DailyPrompt (Oct 11, 2013): Mid-Season

  1. Here in Oregon, I replace my summer wardrobe with the fall wardrobe I packed away last year. My fall wardrobe has more browns, golds, and olive or dark greens. My spring and summer wardrobe is more pastels and cheery summer colors. My winter wardrobe is more navy, red and blacks. More sweaters. Most of it was gotten “not new” to me. Still nice clothes, and I enjoy getting out clothes I haven’t seen in a while. I also start raking leaves, and doing the “Lesagne Gardening” thing of making layers of mulch, starting with newspaper, to keep the weeds down in the area I hope to grow some groceries in next spring and summer. I love the colors of fall here too.


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