#WWBH Blog Hop – Kick Off: July 02, 2014

Before I hand the reigns over to Leanne for this weeks Blog Hop – Kick Off, I have a confession (okay two) to make.  I totally forgot to check my email yesterday to get the code so I could schedule this week’s hop…  This morning as I was checking my email, there it was  and me thinking “Shoot, knew I forgot something”…  The other confession is that in my hurry last week  I had posted Leanne’s hop (she was gracious enough to step-in for our other co-host Heather who just recently had a new baby :-)) as if it were my own without the usual lead-in or intro.  (My apologies Leanne).    Also, don’t forget to check out my WWBH Stories page (which I’ll be updating here shortly) to read past stories submitted.

So without further ado  here is Leanne with this week’s prompt and monthly ad winner:


“Words – so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them.” Nathaniel Hawthorne

I encourage you to be bold this week with the Writer Wednesday Blog Hop! I’ll give you a picture and five words–give them power and life by weaving them together into a story. The best way to know how to combine words is to practice! Here are some examples from last week’s prompt. Check them out and leave some comment love for the authors, okay?

Camp Ah Wahn Gohom by Morgan (Welcome to the blog hop, Morgan!)

No Cheese by Debb Stanton

Ask Me Proper by Leanne Sype

Also, we have a new featured blog hop author for the month of July! Remember, each month we randomly draw a name from those who participate in the blog hop (at least four story entries) and feature them for a month on our blogs! It’s a way to let the community get to know you and your blog. This month’s winner is:

Ellen Peterson!

Here is her button to feature on your blog:


Alright. Let’s get going on this week’s prompt. Here is how the blog hop works:

1) Write a short story (500 words or less) using the photo and five mandatory words.

2) Stay with the 500-word limit.

3) Craft and link your post by next Tuesday evening (10:00 p.m. PST).

4) Link up your story using the inLinkz frog at the bottom of the prompt. Simply click on the frog and enter your story information as prompted. If you need assistance, leave a comment on this post and one of us hostesses will help you. 🙂

And your prompt:


Mandatory words:







2 thoughts on “#WWBH Blog Hop – Kick Off: July 02, 2014

  1. I missed last week, but I’ll try and get a try together this time. I have been awarded a Liebster award, and I wondered if you had it, ot if you wouldn’t mind being nominated. Let me know what you think. 🙂


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