5 years with WordPress

5 years ago I began my wordpress journey.  It doesn’t mention a particular blog, only that I registered 5 years ago.  In actuality, my very first blog was actually Life Happens… (Which originally had a different name – don’t ask me what at this late date), but I wasn’t doing much with it and it kind of lie dormant for quite a while.  This blog here was the 2nd one to be started up and is my main/personal blog.  Not sure of the start date but it was a few years back.  I’ve started a couple others more recently – Taini Writes and Public Safety Tidbits.

Lately, I’ve been a bit slow in the blogging department…  There’s been a lot going on and I’ve been focusing my time on my new business.


I’ll switch to the “Improved Posting Experience” when…..

Here’s the message at the top of my wordpress editor….  

“There’s now an easier way to create on WordPress.com! Switch to the improved posting experience.” 

I’ll tell you what, WordPress,  I’ll switch to the new blog writing/editing system when you guys starting providing this service as available in the “classic editor”….




“Copy a Post
Use an existing post as a template”

I really don’t understand why it was removed (and if it’s in the new editor I sure as heck can’t find it anywhere).

And that’s my two-cents worth on the new WordPress Blogpost editor




Word of #WordPress Advice

A word of advice….

NEVER NEVER NEVER (repeat times infinitum) try to work your widgets via browser on phone.

All I wanted to do was peruse my widgets, but as I was attempting to do so my widgets got all screwed up so now some are in the wrong spot (and possibly some missing). Going to have to fix that from my main computer (when I can get on it later). Meanwhile, frustration city.

How’d I end up on all these #SocialMedia Sites….

Oooopps:  Forgot to put a title to this (June 27,2012 8:47 am)

Honest, when I first got on FaceBook (which btw I don’t hardly use anymore), I never thought I’d find myself on twitter or google-plus.  Nope, never crossed my mind!  And yet, somehow I’ve  found myself with 2 twitter accounts (@Pioneergirl08 & @DFW_AlertsTC); 2 WordPress blog accounts (JottingsandWritings & DFWAlerts); 2 “blogger accounts (JottingsandWritings, which is simply reposts from here & DFWAlertsNetwork, which hasn’t been active in a while = we’re on WP now); and 2 you-tube accounts (Pioneergirl08 & DFWAlertsTC); And recently I added 2 G+ accounts (@Pioneergirl08 & dfwalertstc) to the list.  So there you have it >>>  More and more stuff to keep track of = this should be interesting.  Infact one of things I’m testing here is whether or not I can get my posts here to show up on some of those accounts I’ve listed (like my personal twitter account, blogger, and Google-Plus).

See you around!!

Social Media Platforms I Like To Use

*Disclaimer – I am not a Social Media Guru or expert or any of those things…  I simply enjoy being online and using twitter, FaceBook and WordPress.

The three Social Media platforms that I use are FaceBook, Twitter, and WordPress and I like all three for different reasons.

WordPress I (of course) use to write my blogs.  I cannot, expertly, say that it is the best program out there or not, but I do find it relatively easy to use and have gotten fairly good results – considering I just started blogging not long ago and don’t have a large following.

Facebook has allowed me to connect with old friends (from High School and College).  Most of these people do not have a Twitter account and seemingly have no interest in joining – They are content with FaceBook. If I want to stay in contact with them I have to keep with FaceBook.  Facebook is about “friends”.  You have to be accepted in order to see what is going on with other people.  And if you want to share your news, you either have to make it public (doable) or Hope you can get people to accept your request.

Twitter, on the other hand allows me to follow people without having to wait for them to “accept” me first.  It also allows me to reach new people I’ve never met before and even get the word out further via retweets.  Twitter also allows you to follow news events, happenings, products, subject matter, and all sorts of things simply and easily. Twitter is about mass information and sharing – While meaningful friendships may be formed here, Most are people we don’t even know (or know anyone who knows) except online.

I would say that I am pretty well hooked on using FaceBook and Twitter as my Social Media Platform and WordPress as my Blogging Platform.  While sometimes frustrating they have served me well.

For more on Social Media and Social Selling Check out GunnarSpeaks and M3NewMedia