#WeekendCoffeeShare: Sunday August 7, 2016

I hate to say that my coffee is almost gone, but my coffee is almost gone….  I spent my time, while drinking my morning’s 2 cups, catching up on emails, notifications, and such.

So, what’s been going on this past week?  Well here, we just (as of Friday) finished the first week of school…. Yes, you heard right school.  Schools here start about the first week of August.  Most of the public schools start up tomorrow, though the charters start up a week earlier.  I shared this little funny on a “you know you’re in” group (this one is Arizona based) —

You know you’re from Arizona when you start talking about back to school stuff and your  friends are still talking about summer vacation (or your friends ask if the school is year round).

I’d say the first week of school went well and my son seems to be doing okay so far.  We had originally thought he would be repeating Algebra I this year as that was what was on his original schedule (he had taken it last year in middle school but it is listed as a high school course and thus counts towards credits).  When we asked the dean about the repeat, we were told it was because he had failed the first semester last year. However, the schedule given to our son on the first day of school had him in Algebra II.

The other big news is that today is officially my anniversary as a Mary Kay consultant – One year ago, to the day, I signed the Consultant Agreement and began an exciting journey.  Anyone in need of, or know of anyone who is in need of, a consultant??  My personal website is www.marykay.com/tdcarr and I also have a facebook page – www.facebook.com/TenaCarrMKIBC.  I am very much looking forward to another exciting year as a Mary Kay consultant.

OK, so you don’t think I’m just about pushing my Mary Kay business (though  I do love what I do), what else can I tell you…..

Let’s see….  Well, I  am about to work on a story for this weeks prompt over at InnerSunshine.  My short story, once I get it written, will be posted to my writing blog – Taini Writes.  First though,  I think there’s a couple things I may need to do (or help out with) around the house, plus I need to post to my party event (I’m late on that as it is).

See you again next week for another Weekend Coffee Share

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