30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 30: Hopes For Your Blog

So here we are, the last and final blog for this challenge.

What is your Hopes for your blog?

I don’t have a specific “hope” for this blog, but I imagine I want the same thing that any blogger wants….  To have her blog read and enjoyed.  Hopefully my readers will get something out of reading what I write – Enjoyment, A Smile, Information…..

Enjoy and have an awesome day!

30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 28: Most Embarrassing Moment

Alomost to the finish line….

Day 28:  Your most embarrassing moment

My most embarrassing moment?  When I read this question or challenge, I immediately thought back to something that happened back in high school.  At the time it was positively mortifying (I’m pretty sure I wished the floor would open up and swallow me).  Now, I can laugh about it (and write about it, especially since the guy in question won’t ever see it :-P).

Back in high school, I wasn’t the most popular kid in the school and didn’t have a lot of friends….  And boy friends (or even boys that were even remotely interested in me – Yeah, we won’t go there…..  But like every other girl out there I did have my share of crushes.   In fact I’m pretty sure that some of  the stupid stuff I did because of that (if I could remember any of it) was downright embarrassing.

So one day I’m in class, with this the guy that I have a major ass crush on (not of course that he notices I’m alive except to tease me relentlessly – a bit of a love/hate relationship = he loved to tease, I hated it).  Anyway, the teacher (in front of the entire c lass)  says, “Hey, (name withheld – I’m not that darn brave), Tena has the hots for you”.  She, of course does this loud enough that not only he’s sure to hear, but the entire c lass room.  As I said before, I’m pretty sure I wished for the floor to open up.

In retrospect, I have to question my wisdom in that crush, have to question where my brain was at (ohhh right, I was a teenager – it was MIA).  I’m not saying that he was a bad person or that he was mean or vicious in any way (I definitely wouldn’t be interested in a guy like that), but the only notice he ever gave of me was when he was teasing me.   I can’t say that he ever went out of his way to be especially kind (again, as I said, not mean).  Ok in all fairness, he would have met my “attraction” criteria (good looking, funny, nice, etc) but if I had been thinking more clearly, I would have realized earlier on that it was a lost cause and that I was stupidly wasting my efforts and time.  No surprise there, seems I did a lot of that back then….  But hey, life goes on right.   Thankfully, I’ve survived those embarrassing moments, heart-ache, and all that mess.

30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 27: Closet

Day 27: What’s in your closet?

Well first question would be which closet (LOL).  There are a few I could choose from…..

Pretty much all of our closets contain clothes (big surprise their right….  And, of course, storage for things we don’t use that often, including memorabilia.  Really, the things we have in our closets are really not all that exciting – Making this a super boring short blogpost…..


30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 26: Hidden Talent

It’s late…. I really should be in bed…. But I also want/ need to get this one last blog written before I do….. So here we are, one last (but not last blog in challenge)

Day 26: Hidden Talent

Well this one should be easy (or hard, depending on how you look at it)….. I have no “hidden talents” – at least none I know anything about. If I do they are certainly hidden from me.

So there you have it, my short blog. Only thing that remotely comes to mind is that I use to have a knack for coming up with “perfect” gifts (or gift baskets) for people – providing I had some stuff (info) to go on