#WeekendCoffeeShare – November 07, 2021

Sorry to say coffee has since been drunken. I do have a water bottle next to me that needs refilling and am seriously thinking of grabbing a sparkling ice (zero sugar). Hard to believe 2021 is nearing the end… but let’s not push it.

The end of this year brings forth the end of my journey to get my AAS degree in Health Info Technology. The assignment for one of my classes was to go to the MLN (Medicare Learning Network) website and do a few mini-courses, which I completed and passed…This week brings about another set of mini courses to complete

Let me tell you…if your head ain’t spinning after going through these.

Had to stop at the store on Friday after my volunteer gig and saw this

Was very tempting if we didn’t already have a bread in the house that needs to be eat (pronounced et).

I’ll leave y’all with a bit of question (you can answer or not)…. Me and hubby spent time this morning reminiscing about things we grew up with and how much had changed over time (He’s turned 60 the end of last year and I just turned 50 this year.). He was telling me how our son saw our old push button phone that we had in use up till around 2006/07 and he (our son) couldn’t wrap his head around the idea – mind you we had it in use when he was a small child. We got to talking about old computers (first computer I remember in my home was an old 80-88 in the early 80’s), old cell/mobile phones (my dad’s 1st mobile was a fricking brick), the old card catalogs (in libraries), old typewriters (before word processing on computers was a thing). It’s amazing how much has changed even in just the last 30-40 years, and less…. So did any of you grow up with the stuff I just mentioned? What kinds of things weren’t around at the time that came to be as you grew up?

This blog is written in response to Weekend Coffee Share hosted by Natalie over at Natalie the Explorer

7 thoughts on “#WeekendCoffeeShare – November 07, 2021

  1. Congratulations on getting those mini-courses done towards your certification – sounds like you got a great deal done this week!

    And yes, I remember well push button phone (I even recall using rotary phones), clunky old computers with OS’s that crashed ALL the time, thumbing through card catalogs in the library (it took forever to search out books)! Life certainly was different back then – when one made an appointed time to meet, one had to stick to it … no calling while en route to say “I’m running late!”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Can’t remember if I mentioned rotary phones, but I do remember those….and the dreaded 9. Definitely was different times. Parts were good, but then so has parts of change.


  2. Congrats on completing the courses you needed to and if there’s more courses, good luck! All of the things you listed were things I grew up with… 😅 One day my daughters and I (14 and 10) were at the drug store and they saw a disposable camera and asked what it was (it was one of those Fuji Film ones) and when I told them what it was and how you “get the pictures out of it” they stared at me like I just said you have to go to Mars to develop it! My older daughter said to me, “Why wouldn’t you just take a picture with your phone…” 😂😂😂


    1. 🤣🤣🤣 Loved the story about your older daughter. I am actually in my last term for AAS degree (not quite completed just yet). I don’t have any plans to go any further (other than necessary CEUs, obviously). I believe there’s a related bachelors degree, maybe even a masters, but I am barely gettiing through this and just don’t see myself being able to go any futher (not without loosing my mind😂).

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Lots of things were either not in existence or extremely rare. Microwave ovens, pocket calculators, desktop computers, laptop computers, color tv, the pill, seat belts, car seats, disposable diapers, the list goes on and on.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think it would probably take me a whole new post to go though things that have come out since I was a child 😂. It is, in many ways, amazing.


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