How’d I end up on all these #SocialMedia Sites….

Oooopps:  Forgot to put a title to this (June 27,2012 8:47 am)

Honest, when I first got on FaceBook (which btw I don’t hardly use anymore), I never thought I’d find myself on twitter or google-plus.  Nope, never crossed my mind!  And yet, somehow I’ve  found myself with 2 twitter accounts (@Pioneergirl08 & @DFW_AlertsTC); 2 WordPress blog accounts (JottingsandWritings & DFWAlerts); 2 “blogger accounts (JottingsandWritings, which is simply reposts from here & DFWAlertsNetwork, which hasn’t been active in a while = we’re on WP now); and 2 you-tube accounts (Pioneergirl08 & DFWAlertsTC); And recently I added 2 G+ accounts (@Pioneergirl08 & dfwalertstc) to the list.  So there you have it >>>  More and more stuff to keep track of = this should be interesting.  Infact one of things I’m testing here is whether or not I can get my posts here to show up on some of those accounts I’ve listed (like my personal twitter account, blogger, and Google-Plus).

See you around!!

Personal view of usage of some Social-Media sites

Here’s how I see the following Social Media sites being used (for the most part)…. At least by those of us who use on a more personal level (as opposed to businesses who are trying to get their name out there)


My Space:  From what I can tell, My-Space seems to be mostly about Fan pages for major (and minor) bands as well as a way for small (what we use to call garage-bands) to get themselves “out there”.

LinkedN:  Appears to be a business/professional type of Social Media site mainly used by professionals, etc looking to network with others in the same field.

FaceBook:  (One of the Social Media sites I use) Is, for the most part, a way of connecting with old friends (and perhaps some new ones you’ve met personally).  It requires that you “request” to be added as a friend in order to “follow” someone.

Twitter (This is the Social Media site that I use regularly) Is a place to meet new and interesting people as well as following what’s going on with things that are of interest to you.  Following can be done without having to ask permission first.

GooglePlus(?) Not sure if I have the correct name.  I have only heard of this (fairly) new Social Media site, but do not know much about it.


So there you have it – my personal view point of some of the different Social Media sites that are out there.   There are, of course, many other sites  that I am unfamiliar with.