How’d I end up on all these #SocialMedia Sites….

Oooopps:  Forgot to put a title to this (June 27,2012 8:47 am)

Honest, when I first got on FaceBook (which btw I don’t hardly use anymore), I never thought I’d find myself on twitter or google-plus.  Nope, never crossed my mind!  And yet, somehow I’ve  found myself with 2 twitter accounts (@Pioneergirl08 & @DFW_AlertsTC); 2 WordPress blog accounts (JottingsandWritings & DFWAlerts); 2 “blogger accounts (JottingsandWritings, which is simply reposts from here & DFWAlertsNetwork, which hasn’t been active in a while = we’re on WP now); and 2 you-tube accounts (Pioneergirl08 & DFWAlertsTC); And recently I added 2 G+ accounts (@Pioneergirl08 & dfwalertstc) to the list.  So there you have it >>>  More and more stuff to keep track of = this should be interesting.  Infact one of things I’m testing here is whether or not I can get my posts here to show up on some of those accounts I’ve listed (like my personal twitter account, blogger, and Google-Plus).

See you around!!