Re-Cap/Re-Count for August 08, 2018

So yesterday was my birthday, whoop whoop. Can’t really say much about it, at least not much of anything good. I got up in the morning and had my usual coffee and joined our local news channel on facebook live. After that I went outside to spray our yard. I had quite a bit of difficulty since the sprayer wasn’t working properly and wanted to keep spraying even after I had let go of the trigger (and no, it wasn’t locked in the on position).

Later, I drove my son to school then headed over to Starbucks to get myself my free birthday treat. Then I went to do the rest of the shopping, and that was pretty much my birthday in a nutshell… With the exception of a certain visitor who decided to pop in bringing some hellacious cramps — Yipppeeee, Happy Birthday to Me. The argument with the hubby the day before my birthday didn’t do a whole lot for my mood either.

The one good thing was the venti-size Triple Mocha Frappuccino with caramel drizzle that I got as my birthday treat from Starbucks. I had forgotten to take my asthma/allergy meds that morning so it did cause more coughing than usual but it was also my only real treat of the day.

So here is my question for the day:

If you could do anything at all to celebrate your birthday, what would that be?

Photo of the Day:

And here are 5 (randomly chosen) blogs for you to check out:

6 thoughts on “Re-Cap/Re-Count for August 08, 2018

  1. Happy Birthday and well done for claiming your treat at Starbucks. If nobody else wants to spoil you then go ahead and spoil yourself – you deserve it. πŸŽ‚πŸŽπŸŽˆπŸΎ
    Thank you for the link😊

    Liked by 1 person

  2. First of all, Happy Birthday! I hope you’re still celebrating! And secondly, thank you for sharing a link to my post. Thirdly, if I had a choice for my birthday, I would spend it sea side, with sand between my toes and the salty breeze blowing my hair. I live hundreds of miles from the coast. I miss it. πŸ™‚

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