Share Your World – June 5 & 12, 2017

Geez….  How long has it been?  I keep saving these Share Your World challenges with the best of intentions of doing them, and then I keep pushing them off and forgetting.

This week I’m doing two –

So first June 05:

What’s your strongest sense?

Whoooo boyyy…  Guess I’d have to go with smell.  I am of hard of hearing so obviously that’s out, and I have stigmaatism (and wear glasses) so my eye sight certainly doesn’t count. My sense of taste is okay but but I think my sense of smell is stronger.

Which of Snow White’s 7 dwarfs describes you best? (Doc, Happy, Bashful, Sleepy, Sneezy, Grumpy, Dopey)
Right this minute, I’d go for Sleepy (but I’m forcing myself stay up in preparation for my swing shift ridealong on thursday)….  Some days it woud be Grumpy, others it would be Dopey (“Duhhhrrr”).

If you could be one age for the rest of your life, what age would that be?
I honestly have no idea what age I would choose to be for the rest of my life.  None of them are such that I’d want to remain that age forever.  I guess the best times of my life were probably college years.  I had a lot of fun during those years but there’s also things I would change and do differently.

List of Jobs You Think You Might Enjoy: Even if you aren’t thinking about a career change, it can be fun to think of other jobs you might enjoy. [Remember: This is SYW where even your dreams can become reality.]

  • Work in the Crime Scene Unit
  • Detective
  • Reporter/Journalist
  • Baker (maybe)

The work of

  • Firefighters
  • EMTs
  • Police Officers

is something of interest of me but not something I could ever see myself being able to do.

I know, my list is short…  Sure, I could think of other jobs I could do (with the right training) but not ones that I would truly enjoy. 

And now, on to June 12….

What do you do when you’re not working? If you are retired, what do you that is not part of your regular daytime routine?

Being a wife (of a disabled husband), Mom (of a son with high functioning autism), and business ownder (hello, Independent Mary Kay Beauty Consultant here); Not to mention owner/admin of a couple blog/volunteer type deals (not sure exactly what you’d call them)…  The question becomes, ‘when am I not working?’ –  When I am “off duty”/relaxing, I enjoy watching TV shows and videos on Hulu, Netlix, and You Tube.  I also enjoy reading.
What would you do if you won the lottery?

  1. Pay back any and all money owed to anyone.
  2. Buy us our very own house (not one owned and paid for by someone else)
  3. Get a couple new cars – one for hubby that would take his electric wheelchair (one that he can get his chair in & out of without having to have someone go with) and a smaller one (but not too small) for me to run errands around town in….  At this point,  I’m not sure if I’d include a car for my son ornot – He hasn’t really expressed or shown an interest in learning to drive and are there are things that need addressing before he’d be at at a point where he could really be able to learn to drive.

What makes you laugh the most?
That’s a hard question.  So little truly makes me laugh.  Sure I might smile, chuckle, even guffaw but laugh – not so muh.  To be honest, nothing comes to my mind.

What is your biggest pet peeve with modern technology?
The fact that some people seem to think that you should be available at a moments notice…  Just because I have a cell phone and am always on (using) it doesn’t mean there aren’t times when I am away from my phone and not available – or maybe on my phone but busy with something else.  People aren’t willing to wait for replies and answers anymore.

3 thoughts on “Share Your World – June 5 & 12, 2017

  1. People’s impatience is when it comes to technology. I actually put my phone on Do Not Disturb for half the day. I know everyone can’t, but I simply must.

    My tech pet peeve is with texting — how do we know when we’re done? People don’t usually say hello or goodbye. The conversation just ends.

    I won’t do that to you, though. Have a nice day! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL – very true… texting (as well DMs/PMs, etc can go on ad-infinitum (sp?) as we try to get the last word in. You have a wonderful day as well.

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