I find myself in shock as I learn of a dear friend’s death

Just learned that an old friend (actually he was a friend of my husband’s, but he & his wife also became friends of mine). passed away the other day.  This friend (and his wife) took my husband under their wing when he moved to Oregon, from Texas, many years ago (We have since found ourselves back in Texas).  They were like second parents to him and became, in a sense, like parents to me.  He was the best man at our wedding, she sang (and did 2 of the bridesmaid’s dresses).  Even though we had our differences in opinions on some matters I knew I could count on them for a listening ear or if I needed advise.

I logged on to FaceBook as I do from time to time and the post (via his wife) mentioning his death was right there at the very top!  I was in utter shock as I read this.  I mean I knew he’d been having health issues due to  diabetes and complications due to those issues, but I never imagined it was so bad that he would have died from them.  I (and I know my husband as well) will always remember our dear friend as being full of Vibrance & Life;  Remembered as harmlessly flirting with the waitresses (despite his marriage of many year, the flirting all done in fun).


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