Weekend Quickie: 04-05-2022


How effective are willy warmers for keeping the chill out?

I’ll be honest I’m having a hard time picturing that one. I guess they could be quite effective depending on the material it was made of. But seeing as how I’ve never seen one or known of anyone who has seen or used one I really don’t have an answer.

Have you ever ignited a bottom breeze?

Nope, can’t say that I have or would want to. Sounds a bit… uhmmm…. Dangerous 😬.

If you had to have one hand tied behind your back for one day a week for the rest of your life which one would it be and why?

Saturday. Saturday is my off day (or suppose to be). I don’t do anything on Saturdays and don’t go anywhere… though I do, sometimes have to take care of things around the house or help hubby out with something…. Ohhh, were you talking about which hand 😂😆. I guess I’d go with my left one my non-dominant. One.

How many cabbage leaves does it take to turn on the average human?

I haven’t the foggiest. Not something I’ve ever researched or had the interest to🤷🏻‍♀️😂.

How old is too old and what is too old anyway?

Is there really such a thing as too old.. They say you’re only as old as you think you are, or as old as you feel, something like that. Which means I’m in trouble because there are days when I feel old or at least older than my actual years. But age is perspective. We were talking about that the other day about age and perspective. To a child or a teen or something someone in there say 20’s or 30’s is going to seem old possibly even ancient…. But in my 50’s I’d don’t necessarily see someone in their 80’s as being old. I seem them as a person that happens to be a certain age, old doesn’t factor in to the equation.

Are you a bubble wrapper popper?

HELL YEAH…. Well use to be. Now our son gets to do the bubble popping around here though we generally make him take it outside or to another room as the sounds of bubble wrapper popping irritates my husband to no end and puts him in quite the mood.

Is it legal to paint a tree in the wild?

Don’t honestly know. I would say it shouldn’t be but then I don’t know that we need a specific law about the legality or illegality of painting a tree in the wild. There’ far better fish to fry than the painting of a tree in the wild. I will say that it is wrong and totally unnecessary to go painting a tree in the wild, or otherwise. I mean WHY????

Why is the colour red used to describe love and passion?

I think it has o something to do with being the color associated with the heart…. But, to be honest, I don’t righty know.

How many banned books have you ever read and what were they?

I don’t know of any off of the top of my head. I don’t know that I read any that were banned at the time that I was reading them. As far as what books I’ve read in the past that might have been banned over the years, I don’t know.

What is the most unusual drink you have ever drunk when sober?

The one that comes to mind was a boiler maker that i tried ONCE at a get together with the family we were living with at the time, and a few other folks. I’m not really into drinking so haven’t really had all that many kinds of drinks. One of my favorites is an RC with a CR. I also like a shot, or partial shot, of whiskey in my coffee on the weekends. My absolute favorite liquor is Mindoro ( a melon liquor) but I haven’t had in years.

Share Your World: 04-04-2022

As always our host is Melanie from Sparks from a Combustible Mind). Here are the questions she gives us this week

Are you more productive at night or in the morning? Do you think it’s possible to change and get used to another schedule?

I would say I’m more productive in the morning once I wake up and get going and into the afternoon. In my High School/College days I was more of a swing shift type of person. I did my best, most productive, work in the afternoon into early evening. Somewhere along the way my internal schedule shifted and now I’m more productive in the mornings

What’s the biggest vehicle you’ve driven? If you don’t drive, what’s the biggest vehicle you’ve ridden in?

The biggest I actually recall driving at all is moving the Dunkin’ Donuts delivery truck (which is roughly the size of a furniture store delivery truck/box-van) from it’s parking spot around to the back of the donut shop. I think I may also have driven it once on the road while assisting one of the delivery drivers. I’m not exactly sure but it is possible that I moved a class A(?) – the larger size – RV (as in rolled it a couple feet 😂). I also drove our truck and trailer from Texas to Arizona when we moved here….not exactly what you would consider large, but cumbersome, keeping track of the trailer behind me to make sure it tracking properly and all when turning.

What songs would be played on a loop in hell? (Suspend disbelief for this one, it’s cool not to believe in Hell, but let’s use our imaginations to answer. Of course one can always skip the questions they find odd too. And yes, I took into account that individual tastes will influence individual choices.)

How about that stupid music they play when they put you on a endless hold…. The music is played so extremely loudly that you can’t hear anything else but if you turn it down you can’t hear the timed announcements which might just turn out to be a live person finally getting around to answering your call🤣🤣. My other thought would be constantly playing heavy metal….my least favorite kind of music. That’s really all I can’t think of as an answer.

(Deep and chewy philosophical question): What does it mean to be a person? What constitutes “personhood?” (there may be some diverse opinions, but we’re all mature adults in here, so be respectful of others please).

One thing…. I’m terrible at philosophical type questions. A person is a person simply by virtue of being born (or rather conceived). I want to say that there’s a point (according to Jewish Law) that a fetus is counted as a life…I believe it has something to do with the point at which a fetus could conceivably be viable (ie have a chance of living outside of the mother ‘s womb – I’m not 100% sure about that though. The kind of person a person turns out to be is a completely other story


How were your spirits (mood) over the past week?

My mood was pretty good this last week….good for me. It’s been a pretty decent week, for the most part, I’d have to say. I’m still struggling with the whole finding a job thing and feeling like I’m getting nowhere which leaves me feeling like a failure in that regard But, I’ve been getting videos out on my You Tube channel and have FINALLY gotten a few things figured out that have been dogging me. Dare I say there hasn’t been too many arguments either (at least not any major ones).

5 Things I Take for Granted

This week Dr. Tanya from Salted Caramel asks to about the Five Things You Take For Granted

The difficulty is pinpointing 5 specific things that I take for granted. I don’t specifically take anything for granted (except for maybe myself) and yet I take everything for granted. I don’t so much do so in a deliberate way or in a way that I really think about all that much but I’m sure there’s a lot of things that I take for granted without thinking about it.

1. Myself and My well-being. It’s very easy for me to feel like I have to do things for everyone else first and please or make everyone else happy before worrying about my own needs.

2. Technology. Specifically my phone/tablet and the internet. I hate to admit it but one of the most frustrating things for me is when the internet goes down or the power goes out – the latter mainly because when it goes out the internet goes down not to mention I can’t keep my phone and tablet charged, which are basically my computer (or computers).

Those are the two main things that come to mind.

I imagine I probably take the typical things for granted – Electricity, Water, things like that. I can’t really think of anyone in particular that I take for granted. I think, perhaps, my husband takes certain members of my family for granted more so than I do… which is ironic because he actually doesn’t care for them all that much. I can’t say that there’s any items that I necessarily take for granted (at least none come to mind) – Maybe books and photographs but that would be about it. For the most part, I don’t really require or need a lot of stuff. I could be perfectly happy living in a small studio apartment, tiny home, or even a full-size van…. I could possibly even make a mini-van work depending on the van and it’s design.


I also

Share Your World: 03-28-2022

What fictional family would you like to be part of? (think TV shows, cartoon or books or some fictional family that you admire)

Gosh, I can’t think, off the top of my head, of any fictional family that I’d want to be apart of. I actually don’t watch TV all that much and haven’t for years. When I do it’s mainly on Hulu or Netflix and the shows I gravitate towards are reality type shows (mostly of the cooking variety) It’s been a number of years since I’ve watched any fictional shows with fictional families and I can’t think of any of those that I’d specifically want to be apart of. The Brady Bunch was always an interesting and fun show to watch and the antics of Garfield & Odie were hilarious.. That’s all that comes to mind at the moment.

Which band or artist would you like to play at your funeral or memorial service? (the artist can have passed on too)

Karen Carpenter is what instantly comes to mind. I love her music and though I am by no means a singer I would say that her range comes closest to my own, meaning that I can (or could) sing along to her music without straining my voice. I also like her melancholy type of music which is fitting to the type of person I am (which I believe is an Meloncholy-Sanguine; as well as an ISTP).

Preference. Popcorn, M&Ms or other. Choose something you love snacking on.

Popcorn, M&Ms, Chips, Candy, so on and so forth…. Do I have to choose?!? I don’t do as well with nuts or hard stuff, however, because of my teeth. Several of my teeth are missing which makes chewing on stuff difficult.

If you could be any supernatural (fantasy) character, what would you be? (Think Elves, fairies, dragons or whatever)

I’m not much into the whole supernatural/fantasy character type of stuff and don’t know what all types there are other than what was listed here… That said, of those listed, I guess fairies would be the most intriguing. As to whether or not I’d want to actually be a fairy, I’m not so sure.


Please share the best advice you’ve ever gotten which you feel ought to be shared with everyone.

I’m sure I’ve gotten some great advice over the years but none that sticks out in my mind as spectacular or note/news worthy. One peace of advice that was shared by a YouTuber that I met through twitter (who is a Simmer like myself) is to “Trust Your Gut”. That is actually quite good advice. If something doesn’t feel right or feels to good to be true chances are what your gut is telling you is correct. Another good piece of advice comes from Ann old saying by Kierkegaard – “Life can only be understand backwards but must be lived forwards”. It was actually a saying I came across in my mom’s diaries and has become one of my favorites.

Sunday Ramble #17: Finish My Sentence

Each week, EM gives us a topic and 5 questions to answer. This week her topic is “Finish My Sentence”…. Here goes.

The greatest feeling in the world is when I:

Going to have to pass here. I can’t think of how to answer this.

The one thing that I misplace more than anything is my:

It’s a toss up between my glasses and my phone. I’m constantly setting down and misplacing both. I can’t count the number of times that I’ve gone back to use the restroom, taking both my glasses (on my face) and phone with me only to set both down on the cabinet next to the toilet. I’ll then come back to the house office only to realize that I left both my glasses and phone back in the restroom – that’s if I’m lucky and don’t forget where the heck I laid my glasses and phone down at, altogether.

When I am stressed out, the one item/person/thing that always makes me get back to feeling okay is:

My cat Meekah (or Meekah Kitty as we sometimes call her) is what immediately comes to mind. Loosing myself in some You Tube videos can also do the trick or playing a bit of Sims.

When I am sick, the only thing I want is:

To be left alone, to be honest. I’ve never been good at asking others to do things for me when I’m sick… I tend to just do for myself unless I can’t. Come to think of it that’s sort of the way I am in other aspects as well. I also don’t like having to do a bunch of stuff for others or have others fussing over me and asking me a bunch of stuff.

Whenever I feel like I am procrastinating, I fix it by:

Just getting to it, eventually.