#WeekendCoffeeShare – What’s been going on in my life

When I saw Jackie from To Breathe is to Write, and then Heather over at Write on Sisters, over at the Weekend Coffee Share on Part-Time Monster; In fact, why don’t you head on over there – after you finish here, of course 😀

So, if we were having coffee, the first thing I’d mention is that yesterday was a no-coffee day for me.  On Shabbat (Friday night to Saturday night), we don’t do any cooking, so no boiling of water and (unfortunately) coffee pots boil water.   I’m not saying I’m the perfect Shomer Shabbas  (Wikipedia has some pretty good information on Shomer Shabbas).  I’m sure (I know) there are things I probably do that some would say I shouldn’t.  But there are certain things I do follow like not working, not spending money, not doing any cooking.  I have reheated stuff, but generally try not too; And, although there are ways I could come up with to do so with out technically violating Shabbat (including making ahead of time & reheating), I generally don’t do coffee then.

What else…..

Ohhh,  I’ve been working on a couple online shops that feature some of my mothers artwork on various products.  Got a few of her drawings featured, but it’s still a Work In Progress.  If you want to take a look at what I’ve got here are the links (I’ll leave the choice to you, but would seriously appreciate a gander):




I’ve also been looking for a part-time job.  Let me tell you, that is not an easy venture.  I’ve actually been looking off and on since I moved to Arizona in 2013 and despite putting out quite a few resumes & appications, have not had any bites.  I’m on a number of mailing lists that alert me as to job offers and whenever I see something that I might be qualified for I’ll take a look and send in an on-line application —  So far nothing.  In addition to the whole job-search thing I’m also (at nearly mid 40’s) thinking about going back to school (assuming I can get Financial Aid) and getting a certificate (and perhaps a degree) in something.  Of course doing so requires that I figure out just what it is I want to go to school for – What would I be good at?  What would be a suitable career for me.  At 40 something you’d think that decision would be easy breezy – But I’m left with tons of ideas and yet no idea.  I guess you could say fear has a big factor in not being able to decide.  I’ve thought about being a Pharmacy Tech or Pharmacist Assistant, an Administrative Assistant, a Medical Assistant, a Medical Office Secretary (or similar job)…  On the one hand, these are jobs that I feel confident I could easily learn to do (and in some cases have a little bit of background experience/knowledge).  But then, on the other hand,  there’s that nagging feeling of self doubt that leaves me wondering what if I’m wrong?  What if I pick something that it turns out I can’t do or am not good at?

One thing I’d love to do, even though I know it’s probably not a suitable career for me (and probably not one I could get paid for through Financial Aid) would be to go back and get my EMT-B again.  I’d even like to try for EMT-I, which I never quite completed when I took the class back in my college days.  As I said, not something that would necessarily lead to a suitable career – Just one of those “want to’s” just for me, just because.

That’s probably enough “coffee time”.  I’ll try to be back next week for more Weekend Coffee Share.  In the mean time, I’m going to head over to a couple of my other blogs…  Life Happens, Taini Writes, and Public Safety Tidbits

10 thoughts on “#WeekendCoffeeShare – What’s been going on in my life

  1. Welcome to weekend coffee share. Ours good to see you here. I enjoyed viewing the pictures of your mom’s work. The link for red bubble is not working, by the way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Don’t know what happened to reply I was working on…

      Thanks for letting me know about link… Just fixed it. Still got more stuff to add to the “shops”


  2. One good thing about going for administrative assistant is that if you want to do the medical side of it; it should only be a couple more classes. At least that’s the way it is where I live. Good luck on the job search!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m glad you joined us this week!

    I can certainly sympathize with the difficulties of finding a good part-time job. It took me a few months to find a suitable one here in New Orleans!

    Liked by 1 person

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