Word a Week: Mural

Joining Word A Week Photo Challenge…  This week our word is Mural.

Several years back, I forget where we were traveling to, we were somewhere in the vicinity of New Mexico or Arizona …   Stopping at a rest stop for a quick pit stop, I saw this mural either inside or in the entry to the bathroom:

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Another picture (guess you could call it a “Mural” displayed at a restaurant we visited in downtown Tucson near the Railroad Museum there:


There’s another Mural on one of the main roads (nearby where we live) near the freeway.  I wish I had a picture, but there’s not a good place to do so.  It’s actually pretty cool to look at as you drive by.

Word a Week Photograph Challenge: Companion

This week the Word of the Week for the “Word a Week” photo challenge (over at a Word In Your Ear) is Companion:

A companion isn’t always a person.  A companion can also be a pet, but not just any pet.  It is one that the person depends on for companionship, usually in cases where the person is house bound or bed ridden.  But that doesn’t have to be the case.  Many people see there pets as companions, as part of their family.

The closest I have to photographs that fit the topic for this week are those of my kitty Meekah.  She will often come to where ever me or my hubby are and find a place to lie down.  Sometimes, when I’m working in the office she’ll come in here and lie down on one of the boxes or under my desk.  When one of us goes to bed she’ll go lie down at the foot of the bed, though lately she’s taken to lying on a blanket that is being used to cover a mirror (part of the blanket lies on the ground and she likes to lie on that)…  She likes to be where we are (unless of course she’ galavanting outside) and loves to be brushed, petted, or have the underside of her chin scratched….  She’ll even give (at least she does for me) appreciative licks of thanks 😉

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Word a Week: Red

Looking around my house, I wasn’t seeing a whole lot of red (well unless you count seeing red from frustration – but let’s not go there). While out the other day, running errands with hubby I saw several “red” items.

A couple were through the window of our truck (which I’ve also used for the Sunday Stills challenge for this week
Through Windows:20140726-073310-27190180.jpg


Here’s a few more:
Mini red wagon behind dark pink (hey almost red) flowers 20140726-073529-27329177.jpg

Red Peppers on a bed cover 20140726-073605-27365878.jpg

My son’s bright red shoes (incidentally he’s got a pair of bright blue to grow into) 20140726-073710-27430466.jpg

And last, but not least, a red shirt for sons school uniform 20140726-073812-27492152.jpg

Word A Week – Happy

Each week Sue, from A Word In Your Ear, reaches into her dictionary for the “word for the week”.. The challenge being for us to post a short story or poem, or a photograph telling or describing the word as it relates to each of us… This week the word is Happy. If you join the fun, make sure to link to her challenge for this week:
http://suellewellyn2011.wordpress.com/2014/06/10/a-word-a-week-photograph-challenge-happy/ so others can also join the fun.

I took this photograph the day my son received his promotion from 6th grade (I apologize for the poor quality of the photograph)… Next (school) year he starts Jr High not only in a new school, but in an entirely new school system. I am so proud of my son and happy to see how far he’s come in the nearly year and a half since we’ve moved here. In fact, he even received a prize (a walking stick) at Scout Summer Camp for having changed the most since last year and this… I can’t tell you how happy that made me.